Why Is There a General Stike Agains Mbc

Strike with nearly of the labour force

A push button supporting the 2012 Spanish General Strike

A general strike is a grade of protest for social or political goals in which all participants cease all economic activity, such as, working, attending school, shopping, going to the movies, etc. Full general strikes are organized by large coalitions of political, social, and labour organizations. General strikes might exclude care workers—such equally teachers, doctors, and nurses—since these people leaving their jobs could atomic number 82 to harm. General strikes may also include rallies, marches, boycotts, civil disobedience, non-payment of taxes, and other forms of direct or indirect action.

Since their inception in the 19th century, people have used full general strikes in lodge to seek "democracy, political representation and the provision of basic education and healthcare".[1] Full general strikes became more common in Europe in the belatedly 18th century as free labourers sought expanded rights.[ii]

The tradition of general strikes has continued into the present, with several general strikes being announced effectually the globe in the final two decades.

The modern general strike: a powerful form of economic protest [edit]

Later the passage of the anti-union Taft–Hartley Act in 1947, the general strike changed from a tool of labour strike solidarity into a general form of social, political, and economic protestation. Congress passed the anti-wedlock law the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 in the wake of the women-led 1946 Oakland General Strike. Information technology outlawed actions taken by unionized workers in support of workers at other companies, effectively rendering both solidarity actions and the general strike itself illegal.[three] Before 1947 and the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act the term general strike meant when diverse unions would officially proceed strike in solidarity with other hitting unions. The act made it illegal for one union to go along strike to support another. Hence, the definition and practise of a general strike inverse in mod times to mean periodic days of mass action coordinated, frequently, by unions, merely not an official or prolonged strike.

Since then, in the US and Europe the general strike has become a tool of mass economic protest ofttimes in conjunction with other forms of electoral action and direct ceremonious activeness.

Industrial general strike: a tool of labour solidarity [edit]

Before the Taft–Hartley Act a general strike was when various trade unions would keep strike sympathetically to help another merchandise union. Full general strikes were a sort of "nuclear pick" for merchandise unions to all band together and go on a prolonged strike together.

Ralph Chaplin, editor of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) newspaper Solidarity and later of the Industrial Worker, identified four levels of general strike:

  • A general strike in a community.
  • A full general strike in an industry.
  • A national general strike.
  • A revolutionary or class strike—the General Strike.[4]

In the 1905 pamphlet The Social General Strike, published in Chicago in 1905, Stephen Naft had previously acknowledged the same four levels of the general strike:

[The proper name "General Strike"] is often used to designate the strike of all branches in one trade; for instance the full general strike of the miners; when helpers and hoisting engineers, etc. are all out. And so it is used equally: Full general Strike of a city, i.e., "General Strike in Florence", or a General Strike in a whole country or province, for the purpose of gaining political rights, i.eastward., the right to vote; as in Belgium, or Sweden.[5]

The profoundest conception of the General Strike, however, [is] the ane pointing to a thorough change of the nowadays system: a social revolution of the earth; an unabridged new reorganisation; a sabotage of the entire former organisation of all governments...[5]

Naft'due south 1905 pamphlet (translated from the German language language) traced existing sentiment for this goal of the general strike to proletarians of Spain and Italy.[6]

The premise of The Social General Strike is that no thing how powerfully the working grade organises itself, it still has no significant power over a congress, or the executive (which has armed services force at its beck and telephone call). Therefore, a full general strike called by an "energetic and enthusiastic" minority of workers, might be embraced past the mass of workers who remain unorganised.[6] Thus it may exist possible,

...to completely interrupt production in the whole country, and terminate advice and consumption for the ruling classes, and that for a time long enough to totally disorganise the capitalistic order; so that subsequently the complete annihilation of the sometime system, the working people can have possession through its labour unions of all the means of production...[7]

The Social Full general Strike noted the complexity of modern industry, identifying the many stages in the manufacturing procedure and geographic dispersal of related manufacturing locations as weaknesses of the industrial process during whatever labour dispute.[vii] The pamphlet notes the problem of hunger during a full general strike, and recommends where warehouses are available for the purpose, that proletarians,

...practice the same affair every bit the ruling classes take done uninterruptedly for thousands of years: that is, "consume without producing." This deportment of the ruling classes the working class calls exploitation, and if the proletarians practice it, the possessing classes call it plundering—and socialism calls information technology expropriation.[viii]

However, the pamphlet asserts that,

The immense advantage of the general strike is that it begins entirely lawfully and without any danger for the workers, and for this reason thousands will take part...[9]

The year 1919 saw a number of general strikes throughout the United States and Canada, including two that were considered significant—the Seattle General Strike, and the Winnipeg General Strike. While the IWW participated in the Seattle General Strike, that activeness was called by the Seattle Primal Labor Spousal relationship, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor (AFL, predecessor of the AFL-CIO).[ten]

In June 1919, the AFL national organisation, in session in Atlantic City, New Jersey, passed resolutions in opposition to the full general strike. The official written report of these proceedings described the convention as the "largest and in all probability the virtually important Convention ever held" by the arrangement, in part for having engineered the "overwhelming defeat of the then-called Radical element" via burdensome a "One Big Union proposition", and also for defeating a proposal for a nationwide full general strike, both "by a vote of more than 20 to 1."[11] The AFL amended its constitution to disallow any central labour union (i.e., regional labour councils) from "taking a strike vote without prior authorization of the national officers of the marriage concerned".[11] The change was intended to "check the spread of general strike sentiment and forestall recurrences of what happened at Seattle and is now going on at Winnipeg."[11] The penalty for whatsoever unauthorised strike vote was revocation of that body'due south charter.[eleven]

The 19th century – the inception of the full general strike [edit]

The general strike action only became a feature of the political mural with the onset of the Industrial Revolution. For the first fourth dimension in history, large numbers of people were members of the industrial working class; they lived in cities and exchanged their labour for payment. By the 1830s, when the Chartist move was at its peak, a true and widespread 'workers' consciousness' was beginning to awaken in England.

The first theorist to formulate and popularise the idea of a general strike for the purpose of political reform was the radical pamphleteer William Benbow.[12] Closely involved with planning the attempted Blanketeers protestation march past Lancashire weavers in March 1817,[13] he became an associate of William Cobbett and passed his time "agitating the labouring classes at their trades meetings and club-houses."[13]

On 28 January 1832 Benbow published a pamphlet entitled Chiliad National Holiday and Congress of the Productive Classes.[14] Benbow began to abet direct and even violent action for political reform, in particular he advanced his idea for a "national vacation" and "national convention". By this he meant an extended catamenia of general strike past the working classes, which would be a sacred or holy activity (hence "holy-solar day"), during which time local committees would keep the peace and elect delegates to a national convention or congress, which would agree the future direction of the nation. The hitting workers were to support themselves with savings and confiscated parish funds, and past demanding contributions from rich people.[15]

Benbow'due south thought of a Grand National Holiday was adopted by the Chartist Congress of 1839, Benbow having spent time in Manchester during 1838-9 promoting the crusade and his pamphlet.[16]

In 1842 the demands for fairer wages and conditions across many unlike industries finally exploded into the first modern general strike (the 1842 general strike). Later the 2d Chartist Petition was presented to Parliament in Apr 1842 and rejected, the strike began in the coal mines of Staffordshire, England, and soon spread through Britain affecting factories, mills in Lancashire and coal mines from Dundee to South Wales and Cornwall.[17] Instead of existence a spontaneous uprising of the mutinous masses, the strike was politically motivated and was driven by a hard-headed agenda to win concessions. Probably as much every bit one-half of the then industrial workforce were on strike at its summit—over 500,000 men. The local leadership marshaled a growing working-class tradition to politically organise their followers to mount an articulate claiming to the capitalist, political establishment.

The mass abandonment of plantations past black slaves and poor whites during the American Ceremonious War has, controversially, been considered a general strike. In his classic history Black Reconstruction in America, W. E. B. Du Bois describes this mass abandonment in precisely these terms:

Transforming itself of a sudden from a trouble of abandoned plantations and slaves captured while existence used by the [Southern] enemy for military purposes, the motility became a general strike against the slave organisation on the role of all who could notice opportunity. The trickling streams of fugitives swelled to a inundation. Once begun, the general strike of black and white went madly and relentlessly on like some great saga.[18]

The next big-scale full general strike took place over half a century later in Belgium, in an effort to force the regime to grant universal suffrage to the people.[19] However, there were periodical strikes throughout the 19th century that could loosely exist considered equally 'full general strikes'. In the United States, the Philadelphia General Strike of 1835 lasted for three weeks, after which the striking workers won their goal of a ten-hour workday and an increase in wages.[20] Later full general strikes include the 1877 Saint Louis full general strike, which grew out of the events of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 across the United States and the 1892 New Orleans full general strike. The year of 1919 saw a cascade of general strikes around the world as a event of the political convulsions acquired by the First Globe War—in Germany, Belfast, Seattle and Winnipeg.

The Russian Revolution of 1905 saw a massive wave of social unrest across the Russian Empire, characterised past large scale general strikes on the part of the industrial workers. The 1926 United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland general strike started in the coal industry and chop-chop escalated; the unions chosen out 1,750,000 workers, mainly in the transport and steel sectors, although the strike was successfully suppressed by the government.[21] [22]

General strikes in antiquity [edit]

An early predecessor of the general strike may have been the secessio plebis in the Roman Republic. In the Outline Of History, H.G. Wells recorded "the full general strike of the plebeians seem to accept invented the strike, which now makes its first appearance in history."[23] Their showtime strike occurred because they "saw with indignation their friends, who had ofttimes served the state bravely in the legions, thrown into chains and reduced to slavery at the demand of patrician creditors."[23]

Wells noted that "[t]he patricians made a mean use of their political advantages to grow rich through the national conquests at the expense not only of the defeated enemy, but of the poorer plebeian..."[23] The plebeians, who were expected to obey the laws, but were not allowed to know the laws (which patricians were able to recite from retention),[24] were successful, winning the right to entreatment any injustice to the general associates.[23] In 450 BC., in a concession resulting from the rebellion of the plebeians, the laws of Rome were written for all to peruse.[24]

Debates on general strikes from the past [edit]


In 1966, in a study of revolutionary socialism, Milorad M. Drachkovitch of the Hoover Institution on State of war, Revolution, and Peace (a bourgeois think tank), noted two tactical options which divided late 19th century and early on 20th century anarchists from socialists: electoral politics, which the socialists embraced, but anarchists by and large opposed; and, the full general strike as a mechanism to forbid war, which anarchists supported, only socialists refused to endorse.[25]

Every bit a grouping, the socialists of the period repeatedly rejected the general strike every bit a tactic;[26] however, a number of socialist leaders advocated its use for one reason or another.[27] Socialist leaders who embraced the general strike tended to see it equally an instrument for obtaining political concessions.[26]

Drachkovitch identified five types of general strikes:

  • the political mass strike, a general strike for political rights (such every bit the correct to vote)
  • the general strike as a revolutionary act that would transform society
  • the full general strike as a "revolutionary exercise" which would somewhen lead to a transformation of society
  • a i-solar day demonstration general strike on May 24-hour interval (International Workers' Mean solar day), aimed at identifying a "worldwide proletariat"
  • commencing in 1891, a theoretical machinery by which to finish wars betwixt nation states[28]

Drachkovitch perceived the outset two concepts, the socialist-friendly general strike for political rights inside the system, and the general strike equally a revolutionary mechanism to overthrow the existing order—which he associated with a "ascension anarcho-syndicalist movement"—as mutually exclusive.[29] Drachkovitch believed that the difficulty arose from the fact that the full general strike was "one instrument", but was frequently considered "without stardom of underlying motives."[30]

Milorad M. Drachkovitch too observed the variable success of the general strike in bodily use:

In Belgium a general strike movement, cleaved off in one instance without damage to the organizing forces, eventually led to universal suffrage; in Holland a general strike collapsed with disastrous consequences; in Sweden, a general strike was conducted and terminated with disciplined club but did non accomplish the desired results. In Italy, general strikes had been both socially constructive and politically unproductive. On the other hand, the events of January 1905 in Russia once more than seemed to underscore the suitability of the full general strike as a decisively revolutionary action.[xxx]

Syndicalism and the full general strike [edit]

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) began to fully encompass the full general strike in 1910–1911.[31] The ultimate goal of the full general strike, co-ordinate to Industrial Workers of the World theory, is to displace capitalists and give command over the ways of production to workers.[31] [32] In a 1911 speech in New York Metropolis, IWW organiser Neb Haywood explained his view of the economical situation, and why he believed a general strike was justified,

The capitalists take wealth; they have money. They invest the money in machinery, in the resources of the earth. They operate a factory, a mine, a railroad, a mill. They will keep that factory running just as long as there are profits coming in. When annihilation happens to disturb the profits, what do the capitalists do? They keep strike, don't they? They withdraw their finances from that particular mill. They close it down because there are no profits to be made in that location. They don't care what becomes of the working class. But the working form, on the other hand, has always been taught to take care of the backer's involvement in the holding.[33]

Bill Haywood believed that industrial unionism made possible the general strike, and the full general strike made possible industrial democracy.[33] According to Wobbly theory, the conventional strike is an important (merely non the but) weapon for improving wages, hours, and working conditions for working people. These strikes are also adept grooming to help workers educate themselves about the form struggle, and about what information technology will accept to execute an eventual general strike for the purpose of achieving industrial commonwealth.[34] During the concluding full general strike, workers would not walk out of their shops, factories, mines, and mills, but would rather occupy their workplaces and take them over.[34] Prior to taking action to initiate industrial democracy, workers would need to educate themselves with technical and managerial knowledge in social club to operate industry.[34]

According to labor historian Philip S. Foner, the Wobbly conception of industrial democracy is intentionally not presented in detail by IWW theorists; in that sense, the details are left to the "future development of society".[35] However, certain concepts are implicit. Industrial democracy will be "a new order [congenital] within the trounce of the onetime."[36] Members of the industrial wedlock educate themselves to operate industry co-ordinate to democratic principles, and without the electric current hierarchical ownership/management construction. Problems such equally production and distribution would be managed by the workers themselves.[36]

In 1927 the IWW chosen for a three-day nationwide walkout—in essence, a demonstration general strike—to protest the execution of anarchists Ferdinando Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.[37] The most notable response to the phone call was in the Walsenburg coal district of Colorado, where 1,132 miners stayed off the job, and merely 35 went to work,[38] a participation rate which led directly to the Colorado coal strike of 1927.

On 18 March 2011, the Industrial Workers of the Earth website (www.iww.org) supported an endorsement of a general strike as a follow-up to protests against Governor Scott Walker's proposed labour legislation in Wisconsin, following a motion passed past the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) of Wisconsin endorsing a statewide general strike as a response to those legislative proposals.[39] [twoscore] The SCFL website states,

At SCFL's monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 21, delegates endorsed the following: "The SCFL endorses a general strike, possibly for the day Walker signs his 'upkeep repair pecker.'" An ad hoc commission was formed to explore the details. SCFL did not CALL for a general strike because it does not have that authority.[40]

Notable general strikes [edit]

General strike in Catalonia, 21 February 2019

The largest full general strike that ever stopped the economy of an advanced industrial country—and the first general mutiny strike in history—was May 1968 in France.[42] The prolonged strike involved eleven 1000000 workers for ii weeks in a row,[42] and its impact was such that information technology virtually caused the collapse of the de Gaulle government. Other notable general strikes include:

  • In Portugal, a general strike was called in 2011 by the federation of public labour unions to avoid austerity measures.[43]
  • In Republic of honduras, a general strike was chosen in 2011 by marriage workers, farmers and other organisations demanding better educational activity, an increase in the minimum wage and against fuel price hikes.[44]
  • In Republic of yemen, thousands of people took the streets in a general strike in 2011 to protestation President Ali Abdullah Saleh.[45]
  • In Algeria, public sector workers in 2011 mounted a general strike for college wages and improved working conditions.[46]
  • In Feb 1947, General Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan, banned a planned full general strike of 2,400,000 government workers, stating that "then deadly a social weapon" equally a full general strike should not be used in the impoverished and emaciated status of Japan and so soon after Earth State of war Two. Japan'south labour leaders complied with his ban.[47]
  • 2021: striketober in the United states of america
  • 2021: Myanmar Myanmar full general strike, in response to the 2022 Myanmar insurrection d'état
  • 2020: India Indian general strike of 2020[41]
  • 2020: Belarus 2022 Belarusian protests
  • 2020: United States Essential workers general strike
  • 2019: Hong Kong 5 August Hong Kong full general strike during the anti-extradition bill protests
  • 2019: Spain eighteen October 2022 Catalan general strike
  • 2019: Sudan Two-day national Sudanese full general strike during the 2018–19 Sudanese protests
  • 2019: India Indian full general strike[48]
  • 2018: Iran Iranian general strike
  • 2017: Spain eight November Catalan independentists general strike
  • 2017: Spain iii Oct Catalan independentists general strike
  • 2016: India Indian general strike
  • 2013: Slovenia Slovenian public sector general strike[ commendation needed ]
  • 2012: Spain 29 March Castilian general strike[ commendation needed ]
  • 2012: Europe European general strike[ citation needed ]
  • 2010: Spain Spanish general strike[ citation needed ]
  • 2009: France French Caribbean general strikes
  • 2007: Guinea Guinea general strike
  • 2006: Nepal April Nepalese general strike
  • 2005: Bolivia Bolivian Gas Conflict
  • 2002: Venezuela Venezuelan full general strike of 2002–2003
  • 2002: Italy Italian general strike[ citation needed ]
  • 2000: Bolivia Cochabamba full general strike, Republic of bolivia
  • 1995: Canada Days of Action, Canada[ citation needed ]
  • 1995: France French public sector strikes
  • 1992: Nepal Nepalese General Strike
  • 1989: Czechoslovakia Two-hr general strike of all citizens of Czechoslovakia during the Velvet Revolution
  • 1988: Spain Castilian Full general Strike
  • 1984: Uruguay Uruguayan General Strike
  • 1978–1979: Iran Strikes during Iranian Revolution.
  • 1976: Canada Saint John Full general Strike[49]
  • 1975: Iceland Icelandic women's strike
  • 1974: United Kingdom Ulster Workers Council Strike, Northern Republic of ireland.
  • 1973: Uruguay Uruguayan General Strike
  • 1972: Canada Quebec general strike[l]
  • 1968: France French General Strike
  • 1960: Belgium 1960-1961 Wintertime General Strike in Belgium
  • 1958: The Bahamas Commonwealth of the bahamas general strike[ commendation needed ]
  • 1956: Finland Finnish general strike
  • 1954: Honduras Honduras general strike
  • 1953: Dominion of Ceylon Ceylonese Hartal, Ceylon
  • 1950: Belgium Full general strike confronting Leopold III of Belgium
  • 1950: Austria Austrian general strikes
  • 1946: United States Oakland general strike, Oakland, California
  • 1946: India Indian general strike
  • 1942: Luxembourg Luxembourgian full general strike
  • 1941: Netherlands February strike, Netherlands
  • 1936: Syria Syrian general strike
  • 1938: France French general strike
  • 1936: Spain Spanish general strike
  • 1936: France French general strike
  • 1936: Mandatory Palestine Palestinian general strike
  • 1934: United States Toledo Auto-Lite Strike, US
  • 1934: United States Minneapolis general strike, US
  • 1934: United States West Coast waterfront strike, The states
  • 1934: Portugal Portuguese general strike of 1934
  • 1932: Switzerland Geneva general strike, Switzerland
  • 1933: France French general strike
  • 1926: United Kingdom United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland general strike
  • 1920: Weimar Republic High german passive resistance strikes at the Ruhr
  • 1922: Kingdom of Italy 1922 Italian general strike
  • 1920: Kingdom of Romania Romanian general strike
  • 1920: Weimar Republic General strike in Deutschland to stop Kapp Putsch.
  • 1919: Switzerland General Strike in Basel and Zurich 1919, Switzerland
  • 1919: United States Seattle General Strike, Seattle, Washington, U.Due south.
  • 1919: Canada Winnipeg Full general Strike, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • 1919: Spain Barcelona General Strike, Spain
  • 1918: Switzerland Swiss full general strike
  • 1918: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Irish General Strike against Conscription
  • 1917: Spain Spanish General Strike
  • 1917: Brazil Brazilian full general strike
  • 1917: Australia Australian general strike
  • 1912: Switzerland Zurich full general strike, Switzerland
  • 1912: Australia Brisbane Full general Strike, Commonwealth of australia
  • 1909: Sweden Swedish general strike of 1909
  • 1909: Spain A full general strike coupled with a major uprising in Barcelona
  • 1907: United States New Orleans Levee General Strike, United States
  • 1907: Switzerland Geneva general strike, Switzerland
  • 1905: Russian Empire The Great October Strike, Russian federation; see 1905 Russian Revolution.
  • 1902: Switzerland Geneva general strike, Switzerland
  • 1893: Belgium Belgian general strike, Belgium
  • 1892: United States New Orleans General Strike, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.
  • 1886: Belgium Walloon jacquerie of 1886 Wallonia
  • 1882: United States September 5, 1882 the first [Labor Day] in the United states of america celebrated in NYC was itself a general strike.[ citation needed ]
  • 1877: United States Corking Railroad Strike of 1877
  • 1862–1865: Confederate States of America The plantation full general strike in the Amalgamated States of the U.S.
  • 1842: United Kingdom General strike, Groovy United kingdom
  • 1835: United States Philadelphia General Strike, Pennsylvania
  • 287 BC: A secessio plebis,[a] Roman Republic, leading to the adoption of the Lex Hortensia
  • 449 BC: A secessio plebis,[a] Roman Republic, leading to the adoption of the Twelve Tables
  • 494 BC: The Aventine Secession,[a] Roman Republic, creating the Tribune of the Plebs

Run across also [edit]

  • Civil disobedience
  • Civil resistance
  • Critique of work
  • Demonstration (political)
  • Directly action
  • Earth Strike
  • Georges Sorel
  • Hartal
  • Industrial Workers of the Globe
  • Industrial unionism
  • Listing of strikes
  • Irenic resistance
  • Occupation of factories
  • Protest
  • Secessio plebis
  • Stay abroad
  • Syndicalism
  • Workers' self-management
  1. ^ a b c "plebeian secession" was a tactic used past the Roman plebs of vacating a metropolis entirely and leaving its ruling elite to fend for itself, thus an even more radical action than a "general strike", yet unlike the latter term, it does non pertain to withholding labour inside a wage-system. Full general strikes in the electric current sense of the term simply begin to take place in a context where in which labour is treated as a commodity, and wage workers collectively organise to halt production.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Labour Enquiry. Labour Inquiry Department, Fabian Research Department. 2005. Retrieved 15 August 2012.
  2. ^ Hofmeester, Karin; Linden, Marcel van der, eds. (2017). Handbook Global History of Work. Walter de Gruyter. p. 526. ISBN978-3-11-042458-iv. Archived from the original on 15 January 2022. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  3. ^ Kelly, Kim (30 January 2022). "Everything You Demand to Know About General Strikes". teenvogue.com. Archived from the original on thirty January 2022. Retrieved 30 January 2022.
  4. ^ Chaplin, Ralph (1985). "The General Strike". Industrial Workers of the World. Archived from the original on 6 October 2008. Retrieved 8 April 2011.
  5. ^ a b Stephen Naft, The Social Full general Strike, Debating Society No. 1, Chicago, June 1905, pages 5–half-dozen, translated from the High german language pamphlet of the same name by Arnold Roller
  6. ^ a b Stephen Naft, The Social General Strike, Debating Club No. ane, Chicago, June 1905, folio 6, translated from the German language pamphlet of the same proper noun by Arnold Roller
  7. ^ a b Stephen Naft, The Social General Strike, Debating Club No. one, Chicago, June 1905, page vii, translated from the German language pamphlet of the aforementioned name past Arnold Roller
  8. ^ Stephen Naft, The Social General Strike, Debating Order No. ane, Chicago, June 1905, folio 8, translated from the German language pamphlet of the same name by Arnold Roller
  9. ^ Stephen Naft, The Social General Strike, Debating Society No. 1, Chicago, June 1905, page 9, translated from the German language pamphlet of the same name by Arnold Roller
  10. ^ "Seattle General Strike". depts.washington.edu. Archived from the original on 27 September 2021. Retrieved 27 September 2021.
  11. ^ a b c d Sheet Metallic Workers' Journal, Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Volumes 24-25, Chicago, Illinois, 1919, pages 265-267
  12. ^ Carpenter, Niles. William Benbow and the Origin of the Full general Strike Archived 13 January 2022 at the Wayback Automobile. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , Vol. 35, No. iii (May 1921), pp. 491-499. Oxford University Printing
  13. ^ a b Bamford, Samuel (1843). Passages in the Life of a Radical. Archived from the original on fifteen April 2017. Retrieved 5 October 2013.
  14. ^ "Institution of the Working Classes". UCL Bloomsbury Projection. University Higher London. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 28 August 2012.
  15. ^ Linton, W. J. James Watson. Manchester: Abel Heywood & Sons. Archived from the original on x October 2017. Retrieved 5 Oct 2013.
  16. ^ Beer, M (1921). A History of British Socialism. London: G. Bell & Son. OL 23304301M.
  17. ^ F.C.Mather (1974). "The Full general Strike of 1842: A Study in Leadership, Arrangement and the Threat of Revolution during the Plug Plot Disturbance". web.bham.air conditioning.uk/1848. George Allen & Unwin Ltd London. Archived from the original on 21 May 2020. Retrieved thirty January 2008.
  18. ^ Due west.E.B. Du Bois, Black Reconstruction in America, 1935 (New York: The Gratis Press, 1998), 63-4.
  19. ^ "What practise we hateful by a Full general Strike?". Counterfire. Archived from the original on x June 2019. Retrieved sixteen Feb 2022.
  20. ^ Philip South. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the Usa, Vol. 1, From Colonial Times to the Founding of The American Federation of Labor, International Publishers, 1975, pages 116–118
  21. ^ G A. Phillips, The Full general Strike: The Politics of Industrial Conflict (1976)
  22. ^ Keith Laybourn, The General Strike of 1926 (1993)
  23. ^ a b c d H.G. Wells, Outline Of History, Waverly Book Company, 1920, page 225
  24. ^ a b H.Chiliad. Wells, Outline Of History, Waverly Book Company, 1920, pages 225-226
  25. ^ Milorad Chiliad. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford Academy Press, 1966, page 81
  26. ^ a b Milorad Thousand. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Institution on State of war, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University Press, 1966, folio 83
  27. ^ Milorad K. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Institution on State of war, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University Press, 1966, pages 82–83
  28. ^ Milorad One thousand. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Establishment on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University Press, 1966, pages 99–100
  29. ^ Milorad M. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Institution on State of war, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University Press, 1966, page 99.
  30. ^ a b Milorad One thousand. Drachkovitch, The revolutionary internationals, 1864–1943, Hoover Institution on State of war, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University Printing, 1966, folio 100
  31. ^ a b Philip S. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the United States, Vol. 4, The Industrial Workers of the World 1905–1917, International Publishers, 1997, page 140
  32. ^ Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All, A History of the Industrial Workers of the World, University of Illinois Printing Abridged, 2000, folio 90
  33. ^ a b Beak Haywood, The General Strike (Chicago, northward.d.), pamphlet, published by Industrial Workers of the World, from a New York City speech communication delivered March 16, 1911.
  34. ^ a b c Philip South. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the Us, Vol. 4, The Industrial Workers of the World 1905–1917, International Publishers, 1997, page 141
  35. ^ Philip S. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the United States, Vol. four, The Industrial Workers of the Globe 1905–1917, International Publishers, 1997, pages 141–142
  36. ^ a b Philip Due south. Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the The states, Vol. 4, The Industrial Workers of the World 1905–1917, International Publishers, 1997, folio 142
  37. ^ Donald J. McClurg, The Colorado Coal Strike of 1927—Tactical Leadership of the IWW, Labor History, Vol. 4, No. i, Winter, 1963, page 71
  38. ^ Donald J. McClurg, The Colorado Coal Strike of 1927: Tactical Leadership of the IWW, Labor History, Vol. 4, No. ane, Winter, 1963, page 72
  39. ^ "retrieved 9 April 2011". Archived from the original on 21 Jan 2013. Retrieved 9 April 2011.
  40. ^ a b http://world wide web.scfl.org/ Archived 9 April 2022 at the Wayback Machine retrieved nine Apr 2011
  41. ^ a b Joy, Shemin (26 Nov 2020). "At least 25 crore workers participated in general strike; some states saw complete shutdown: Trade unions". Deccan Herald. Archived from the original on 5 December 2020.
  42. ^ a b The Beginning of an Era Archived 10 September 2022 at the Wayback Automobile, from Situationist International No 12 (September 1969). Translated by Ken Knabb.
  43. ^ The Wall Street Journal http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110408-702627.html Archived eight May 2011 at the Wayback Automobile retrieved 9 Apr 2011
  44. ^ Cuevas, Freddy (one April 2011). "Teachers strike fuels unrest in polarized Honduras". San Diego Union-Tribune . Retrieved 2 March 2022.
  45. ^ ABC News, http://world wide web.abc.net.au/pm/content/2011/s3185314.htm Archived 9 April 2022 at the Wayback Machine retrieved 9 April 2011
  46. ^ Magharebia, http://www.magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/en_GB/features/awi/newsbriefs/full general/2011/04/07/newsbrief-03 Archived nine April 2022 at the Wayback Automobile retrieved 9 Apr 2011
  47. ^ The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February 1947, page one
  48. ^ Grevatt, Martha (14 Jan 2019). "All-India Full general Strike is largest in earth history". Archived from the original on 6 February 2022. Retrieved six February 2022.
  49. ^ Léger, Raymond. "October 14, 1976 – the Saint John General Strike". Frank & Ella Hatheway Labour Showroom Middle. Archived from the original on 9 April 2021. Retrieved vi May 2017.
  50. ^ "1972: The Quebec general strike". Archived from the original on 9 April 2021. Retrieved 1 February 2017.

Further reading [edit]

  • Henry L. Slobodin, "The Full general Strike," International Socialist Review, vol. 17, no. 6 (December 1916), pp. 353–355.

External links [edit]

  • Chronology of general strikes
  • The Mass Strike by Rosa Luxemburg (1906).
  • Full general Strike 1842 From chartists.internet, downloaded five June 2006.
  • From Reflections on Violence
  • Strike! Famous Worker Uprisings Archived 18 Feb 2011 at the Wayback Machine—slideshow by Life magazine.
  • Strikes and Y'all from the National Alliance for Worker and Employer Rights
  • Seattle General Strike Project
  • Oakland 1946! Project


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_strike

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