After Reading This Sentence the Reader Can Most Likely Conclude That Samia


54 multiple selection questions, two essay questions for 10th grade lit & comp. Document included has all pedagogy.

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1. Read the following passage establish in From Emperor to Citizen. Simply equally nutrient was cooked in huge quantities but not eaten, so was a vast amount of clothing fabricated which was never worn. I cannot now retrieve much almost this, merely I do know that while the Dowager and the High Consorts had stock-still yearly allocations, there were no limits for the emperor, for whom clothes were constantly fabricated throughout the yr. I do non know what exactly was fabricated, just everything I wore was always new. I have before me an account from an unspecified year headed "List of materials actually used in making clothes for His Majesty's apply from the sixth mean solar day of the eleventh month." Co-ordinate to this list the following garments were fabricated for me that calendar month: eleven fur jackets, six fur inner and outer gowns, two fur waistcoats, and thirty padded waistcoats and pairs of trousers. Leaving aside the cost of the main materials and of the labor, the neb for such minor items as the edgings, pockets, buttons and thread came to two,137.6335 silver dollars. My changes of article of clothing were all laid down in regulations and were the responsibility of the eunuchs of the vesture storerooms. Even my everyday gowns came in 20-eight different styles, from the one in blackness and white inlaid fur that I started wearing on the nineteenth of the commencement lunar month to the sable 1 I changed into on the showtime day of the eleventh calendar month. Needless to say, my apparel were far more complicated on festivals and ceremonial occasions. After reading these paragraphs, the reader can most likely conclude that the speaker (i point) A. B. C. D. enjoys the vast array of clothing he has to cull from. is proud of the expense of the clothing that he wears. regards his wardrobe as a waste of time and resources. appreciates all of the work that goes into overseeing his purple attire. 2. Read the post-obit passage from "The Women'southward Baths." In our house I was the observer of a relentless, fifty-fifty though hidden, struggle between mother in law and daughter-in-law: betwixt my grandmother, who clung to her position in the household and was resolved under no circumstances to relinquish information technology, and my female parent, who strove to take her place. Although girls usually side with their female parent, I had a strong feeling of sympathy for my grandmother: onetime age had caught up with her since her hubby had died some time before and left her a widow, and little by little her authorisation in the home shrank as my mother's authorization gradually extended. It is the police force of life: one takes, then ane hands over to another in ane'southward turn. But that does not mean we obey the law readily and willingly. After reading these paragraphs, the reader can nigh likely conclude that the speaker (1 signal) A. B. C. D. encourages her grandmother's attempts to retain her dignity. understands the true nature of the shift in power in her household. is uncomfortable with the transfer of potency within the household. feels torn between his grandmother and mother. 3. Which of the post-obit sentences from "Five Hours to Simla" best supports the story's theme about the clash betwixt modernization and traditional life? (i bespeak) A. "Later on the showtime cacophony of screeching brakes and grinding gears, there followed the comparatively static hum of engines, and drivers waited in exasperation for the adjacent lurch forwards." B. "A xanthous pye-dog came crawling out of the shallow ditch that ran alongside the road and, spying an open up door, came slinking up to it, sparse, hairless tail betwixt its legs, eyes showing their whites, hoping for bread just quite prepared for a accident instead." C. "The vendors milled around the buses, cars and rickshaws, and were soon standing at their automobile window,both vocally and manually proffering their goods for sale." D. "Caught in that illumination, the truck driver rose calmly to his anxiety, dusted the seat of his pyjamas, wound up the bandanna round his head, all in one fluid movement, and without a word leaped lightly back into the commuter'due south seat of his truck." 4. Read the following sentences from "The Swimming Competition." "Who the hell fired that shot?" "My gun went off," one of the boys said. When he saw me coming upward the officer said, "We've lost that information, damn it! They've killed that Arab of yours." "Nosotros've lost information technology," I said. I went over to Abdul-Karim'due south torso and turned it over. He looked equally though he had seen me swimming in the pool a few moments ago. His was not the expression of a homo who had lost. In that location, in the courtyard, it was I, all of the states, who were the losers. Which of these ideas is near closely related to the theme in these sentences? (one indicate) A. B. C. D. the price of assuming a leadership role the self-loathing that follows acts of violence the furnishings of prolonged international conflict the consequences that come with insubordination v. Read the following passage from "My Father Writes to My Mother." And so, my father had "written" to my mother. When she visited her family she mentioned this postcard, in the simplest possible words and tone of voice, to exist sure. She was about to describe her husband's iv or five days' absence from the village, explaining the practical problems this had posed: my father having to order the provisions but before he left, so that the shopkeepers could deliver them every English 10 B Semester Examination morning; she was going to explain how hard information technology was for a metropolis woman to be isolated in a hamlet with very immature children and cut off in this way... Just the other women had interrupted, exclaiming, in the face up of this new reality, this almost incredible detail: "He wrote to you, to you lot?" "He wrote his wife'southward name and the postman read information technology? Shame!..." "He could at least accept addressed the card to his son, for the principle of the thing, even if his son is only seven or eight!" My female parent did not respond. She was probably pleased, flattered fifty-fifty, but she said nothing. Which pair of words best describes the speaker'southward female parent? A. B. C. D. distressing and lonely pleased yet resentful shamed and regretful embarrassed however proud half-dozen. Read the following passage from "Tokyo," in which Ryo first meets Tsuruishi. The cod was ready at present. He cut information technology in 2 and gave Ryo half, adding potatoes and rice from a platter. Ryo smiled and bowed slightly in thanks, then took out a bag of tea from her rucksack and poured some into a paper handkerchief. "Do put this into the kettle," she said, holding it out to him. He shook his caput and smiled, showing his white teeth. "Expert Lord, no! Information technology'due south far as well expensive." Quickly Ryo removed the hat and poured the tea in before he could stop her. Laughing, the man went to fetch a teacup and a mug from the shelf. All of the following could be used to depict the relationship between Ryo and Tsuruishi except (1 point) A. B. C. D. comfortable. formal. friendly. respectful. vii. Read the post-obit passage from "The Happy Human." "Tell me, Uncle Bashir," he asked the servant, "am I a happy human being?" The poor homo was startled. He realized why his servant was confused; for the commencement time ever he was talking to him as a colleague or friend. He encouraged his servant to forget about his worries and asked him with unusual insistence to answer his question (i point) "Through God's grace and favor, you are happy," the retainer replied. "You hateful, I should be happy. Anyone with my chore, living in my house, and enjoying my health should be happy. That's what you want to say. But do you think I'thou actually happy?" The servant replied, "You work too difficult, Sir"; after yet more insistence, "It's more than any homo can stand..." All of the following could be used to describe Uncle Bashir's tone except A. awkward. B. insistent. C. hesitant. D. worried. eight. Read the following lines from "Thoughts of Hanoi." The night is deep and chill as in early fall. Pitchblack, it thickens afterward each lightning flash. I dream of Hanoi: Co-ngu Route 10 years of separation the way back sliced past a frontier of hatred. I desire to bury the past to burn down the future notwithstanding I yearn yet I fright those endless nights waiting for dawn. Which of the following all-time describes the mood created past the speaker and the setting? (1 point) A. B. C. D. aroused frightening miserable somber 9. Read the post-obit passage from "The Swimming Contest." There was a deep stillness all around, pervaded by the familiar smells of frying oil, mint leaves, black coffee, rosewater and cardamom seeds. I felt my face pause into a smile every bit my ears strained to catch a sound that was missing in society to consummate a dim, distant memory. Suddenly I heard a tap turned on in the kitchen and the audio of gushing water fabricated me hold my breath: h2o gushing from a pipage into a pool! I got upward and went out to the yard. There was no pool, non even orange copse; but at that place was something about the apple and plum trees, some quality of strangeness peculiar to an Arab homestead. Which of the following stylistic elements is used past the writer in these lines? A. flashback B. foreshadowing 10. Read the following passage from "Cranes." Last June Vocal-sam had had to take refuge. At nighttime he had broken the news privately to his father. Merely his male parent had said the aforementioned thing! Where can a farmer get, leaving all the chores behind? And so Song-sam left alone. Roaming almost the strange streets and villages in the South, Vocal-sam had been haunted by thoughts of his erstwhile parents and the immature children, left with all the chores. Fortunately, his family was safe so, every bit at present. They crossed the ridge of a hill. This time Song-sam walked with his face averted. The autumn lord's day was hot on his brow. This was an ideal day for the harvest, he idea. In "Cranes," which of the following does Song-sam's memory of his parting conversation with his father most probable reveal to the reader? (1 point) A. B. C. D. Song-sam feels guilty that he did non take the courage to stay in the village. Song-sam resents his father for questioning his decision to go out the village. Vocal-sam is no longer accustomed to the hot climates that are good for harvests. Vocal-sam believed his family unit had perished in the war after he had left the village. 11. Read the following passage from "The Cabuliwallah." I took them and was going to pay him, but he caught my mitt and said: "You are very kind, sir! Continue me in your recollection; do not offering me money! You have a little girl; I likewise have i like her in my own domicile. I thought of my own and brought fruits to your kid, non to make a turn a profit for myself." Saying this, he put his hand within his big loose robe and brought out a small dirty piece of paper. With great care he unfolded this and smoothed it out with both easily on my tabular array. It diameter the impression of a little hand, not a photo, not a drawing. The impression of an ink-smeared hand laid flat on the paper. This touch of his own niggling daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta to sell his wares in the streets. Tears came to my eyes. I forgot that he was a poor Cabuli fruitseller, while I was— simply no, was I more than he? He was also a father. Which of the following statements best expresses the writer's perspective regarding class construction in his society? (i point) A. B. C. D. The writer realizes that fatherhood transcends class structure and societal differences. The writer is upset by the inequities in society that crusade some people to alive in poverty. The writer recognizes that time has non reduced the gap between the rich and the poor. The writer understands that there is not much he can practice to assistance a poor Cabuli fruitseller. 12. Which of the following quotes from "Another Evening at the Order" best foreshadows the fact that Abboud Bey is not as charming as he would take others believe? (i signal) "Mingled with her sense of excitement at this man who gave out such an air of worldly self-confidence was guilty shame at her father'due south inadequacy." "On her wedding ceremony night, as he put a diamond bracelet circular her wrist, he had reminded her that she was marrying someone with a brilliant career in forepart of him and that one of the most important things in life was the opinion of others, peculiarly one'southward equals and seniors." "Samia took herself to a far corner of the room while Gazia stood in front of Abboud Bey, her hands folded beyond her chest, her eyes lowered." "It was a gesture she had long become used to, a gesture that promised her continued security, that told her that this human who was her husband and the begetter of her child had too taken the place of her father who, every bit though bodacious that he had found her a suitable substitute, had followed up her spousal relationship with his own funeral." thirteen. Read the following passage from "The Happy Man." He ate his breakfast with relish, and this time nil distracted his attention while he was eating. He gave "Uncle" Bashir, who was waiting on him, such a beaming smile that the poor man felt rather alarmed and taken aback. Unremarkably he would merely look in his direction to give orders or enquire questions, although on nigh occasions he treated him fairly well. In this passage, the word uncle appears in quotation marks about likely to point that (1 point) A. B. C. D. the human regards him with respect. all servants are referred to as "uncle." Bashir is not really related to the human being. Bashir is significantly older than the man. fourteen. Read the post-obit quote from "The Ramayana." "Sita, decked in ornaments and flowers, in the midst of her attendants, flashed on his eyes like a streak of lightning. She paused to watch Rama slowly laissez passer out of view, along with his sagemaster and blood brother. The moment he vanished, her mind became uncontrollably agitated. The middle had admitted a slender shaft of beloved which later expanded and spread into her whole being. She felt sick." What is the most probable reason Sita feels ill after seeing Rama? (1 point) A. B. C. D. She was sickened past how Rama looked at her. She has experienced a feeling of love at first sight. She recognized Rama as someone who seemed dangerous. She was stunned because Rama disappeared before her eyes. 15. Place the sentence in which the underlined pronoun is used incorrectly. (1 point) A. B. C. D. At that place are only half dozen days left in the school yr. It will exist fun to visit their house in the summer. Their just going to have to expect to see the pic. Greg refused to get there considering of the bad service. 16. Which of the post-obit is used when a politician uses numerical statistics to show that tedious economical growth is a good sign of progress for a nation? (i indicate) A. ethos B. desolation C. logos 17. Identify the choice that correctly completes the sentence: Neither Kurt nor Sue has turned in _______ permission course. (1 point) A. B. C. D. their his or her his they're 18. Place the sentence that relies most strongly on emotional language. (i point) A. B. C. D. If this project isn't successful, you will receive a depression grade. If this project does not succeed, information technology volition exist on your caput. You lot will be held responsible if this projection does non succeed. Be prepared to take responsibility if this project isn't a success. 19. Identify the statement that is a verifiable fact. (1 indicate) A. B. C. D. Birds make skillful pets for people who live in apartments. Outdoor cats are commonly more aggressive than indoor cats. Teddy bear hamsters are cuter than Russian dwarf hamsters. Dogs should avert eating chocolate because it is toxic for them. twenty. Which of the following statements would be considered a hasty generalization? (one point) A. B. C. D. Each twelvemonth the cost of Super Bowl advertising increases. People should eat balanced meals and exercise regularly to stay healthy. Children tend to imitate the poor behavior of their favorite television characters. Fast food restaurants crusade unhealthy eating habits. 21. Identify the sentence that correctly completes the judgement. Raiders of the Lost Ark is Steven Spielberg'southward _______ action movie of all time. (1 point) A. B. C. D. famous famousest more famous most famous 22. Place the choice that correctly completes the judgement: _____ of these paintings was damaged by the alluvion. (1 indicate) A. Each B. Both C. Some d. Either 23. Place the pronoun that agrees with the verb in the sentence: Find out if _____ likes cheese and lycopersicon esculentum sandwiches. (one point) A. B. C. D. anybody many all both 24. Identify the problem in the sentence: James is more than smarter than Steven. (1 point) A. B. C. D. double comparison illogical comparison double negative incorrect degree of modifier 25. Identify the pick that best describes the sentence: You must be kidding! (i betoken) A. B. C. D. declarative exclamatory imperative interrogative 26. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence. (1 betoken) "The reporter noted that her [Sonia Sotomayor's] nomination to the Supreme Court was a starting time for Latina women." "The reporter noted that her...Sonia Sotomayor'south...nomination to the Supreme Court was a first for Latina women." "The reporter noted that her—(Sonia Sotomayor's)—nomination to the Supreme Court was a beginning for Latina women." "The reporter noted that, her, Sonia Sotomayor's, nomination to the Supreme Court was a starting time for Latina women." 27. Identify the incorrect word in the judgement: My point was that Sophia's presentation was improve than your'south or mine. (i signal) mine Sophia's your's no error 28. Place the sentence in which the underlined verb does non agree with its subject. (one point) There is many positions still available. Exercise Allie and Edwin want to submit their poems? Here are some expert ideas for a cover analogy. Were you and Kyle planning to work on the school magazine? 29. Identify the verb grade that correctly completes the following sentence: The electric cord to the video gaming arrangement has nigh been _____ in two. (1 bespeak) wear worn wore weared thirty. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence in the group. (1 signal) What happened on July four 1776? On June half-dozen 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. On June 3 1965, Ed White became the outset American to walk in space. 31. Use context clues inside the sentence to identify the definition of the bold-faced word. (1 point) Because he wanted to play baseball and then badly, his face was crestfallen when I told him the game was rained out. rebellious determined down-hearted incredulous 32. Use context clues inside the sentence to identify the definition of the bold-faced word. I fought the crowds at the department store; my quarry—a birthday present for my brother. (1 bespeak) patience target anger accomplishment 33. Use context clues within the sentence to identify the definition of the bold-faced give-and-take. I will always treasure the heirloom quilt I received from my grandmother. (1 point) inherited shabby comfortable homemade 34. Use context clues within the sentence to place the definition of the bold-faced discussion. The crumbs around her oral fissure provided irrefutable evidence that she had eaten my cake. (1 point) shaky implausible fictitious undeniable 35. Utilize context clues within the sentence to place the definition of the assuming-faced word. The exhausted soldier who savage asleep at his post was found guilty of dereliction of duty. (one signal) fulfillment loss fail attention 36. Use context clues within the sentence to identify the definition of the bold-faced word. I felt a stiff compunction nearly trespassing in the creepy, old, abandoned house. (1 point) uneasiness addiction yearning tension 37. Employ context clues within the sentence to place the definition of the bold-faced discussion. The beautiful puppy eventually ingratiated itself with my mother. (i point) joined charmed offended irritated 38. Use context clues within the judgement to place the definition of the bold-faced word. My repeated attempts to enquire my dream date to prom were rebuffed to my cracking dismay. (1 bespeak) rejected mocked accepted ignored 39. Apply context clues within the judgement to identify the definition of the assuming-faced word. The enmity between House Republicans and Democrats often keeps them from getting anything of existent value done. (i betoken) cooperation boredom debate hostility 40. Utilise context clues within the judgement to identify the definition of the bold-faced word. The horrible smells coming from the garbage can assailed my nose. (i indicate) warmed massaged attacked healed Match the definitions beneath with the correct terms. a. where a story takes identify b. the utilize of an unexplainable event to resolve a story c. poking fun at human folly d. the study of give-and-take origins eastward. agreement of people through their words, thoughts, and actions Use the word depository financial institution to answer the question. 41. label (1 indicate) Use the give-and-take bank to answer the question. 42. setting (1 point) Use the discussion bank to answer the question. 43. satire (ane point) Use the word banking company to answer the question. 44. deus ex machina (1 betoken) Use the discussion depository financial institution to answer the question. 45. etymology (1 point) Match the definitions below with the correct terms. a. a persuasive appeal to the emotions b. a polite way of expressing an unpleasant truth c. the emotion a reader takes from a story d. overstating for event e. the point an author is trying to prove Utilize the word bank to answer the question. 46. euphemism (one point) Use the discussion banking company to answer the question. 47. thesis (1 betoken) Utilise the word bank to answer the question. 48. mood (one bespeak) Utilize the discussion bank to answer the question. 49. exaggeration (1 point) Utilize the word bank to answer the question. 50. pathos (1 point) Friction match the definitions below with the correct terms. a. the description of an upshot that took identify in the past b. a regional style of speaking c. elements of a story that hint at the catastrophe d. a comparison of two things using "similar" or "equally" Utilise the word bank to answer the question. 51. dialect (i point) Employ the word bank to answer the question 52. flashback (i indicate) Use the word bank to reply the question. 53. simile (1 betoken) Utilize the discussion banking concern to respond the question. 54. foreshadowing (one betoken) 55. Reply in three–5 complete sentences. Choose from one of the following prompts: a. Choose a piece of literature from this semester with which you identified strongly. Draw the theme of this choice and requite details from the option that support your choice. b. Cull a character that yous particularly liked or disliked this semester in a slice of literature. In three–v sentences, explicate how he or she is characterized in the piece. Select the link to access the Short Answer Rubric. Brusk Answer Rubric (4 points) 56. Respond in a paragraph with consummate sentences. Choose one literary selection from this semester in which you think the setting has a great affect on the work. In a total paragraph, name the work, depict the setting, and explain why it is and so important to the overall story or poem. Select the link to access the English Essay Rubric.
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Hullo, I volition send you the answer in this format, I used the "lord of the flies" and "of mice and men" as the books for the essay. If it'south hard to understand the file or y'all need something else please tell me.

i. B
ii. A
3. B
iv. D
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. "It was a gesture she had long become used to, a gesture that promised her connected security,
that told her that this man who was her married man and the father of her child had too taken the place
of her father who, as though bodacious that he had constitute her a suitable substitute, had followed up her








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